newleaf interview - a principled approach
Here's an interview I did recently with the consultancy group newleaf, talking inspiration and leadership... https://www.aprincipledappro...

Joy Division Orchestrated
Check out this write-up on the M.E.N from our recent show at the Apollo, Manchester https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/musi...
Warehouse Project!
This just about sums it up. What a city. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=400545470584970

Twin Peaks Live!
Don't forget your log now...

Rowetta and Manchester Camerata on Andrew Marr
What a beautiful tribute - well played everybody. Watch here

Opening Glastonbury? In your dreams, son.
Thrilled to be opening Glasto this year with Park, Pickering, Hook, Manchester Camerata, AMC Chorale and guests. What an honour.

Manchester Camerata wins RPS award
Massive congratulations to all at Mancehster Camerata for winning this prestigious award! This orchestra works so hard, both on stage...

Hacienda Classical 2017...
It's a brand new set with some epic tunes, featuring Rae DJ, Yvonne Shelton, Peter Hook, AMC Chorale. And Leeds loved it... Next up...
Hacienda Classical - Dublin - Sat 17th Dec
Tim Crooks will be working with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra in Dublin in December, conducting music he has arranged and orchestrated for...

Channel 4 Documentary announced
Haçienda Classiçal - Channel 4 To Screen Documentary On Concerts & Behind The Scenes. C4 has charted the journey of FAC 51 The Hacienda's...